M'mmm, this is 'little johnnie' with enormous ears, how his parents didn't get him in the circus and make some money off him will never be known. Had they he might have earned enough money to go on to some of the finest colleges in the land instead of being raised in the ghetto on the south side of Chicago. All because his daddy didn't want to work his 40 acres even if he didn't get a mule to go along with it. Instead he moved to the big city Chicago and got drunk, and drunk, and drunk some more, so much that the question was not "was he drunk" but "will he be sober tonight" Which the answer was always 'No" he wasn't going to be sober. He was going to be drunk. Working in a tavern on 63rd Street didn't help his condition none either. Even when the Greens Liqours" burned down around him on 63rd and Green (thats why they called it Fried Green Liqours afterwards). And they spelled Liqours when he was drunk. So much more could be written about 'little johnnie's plight but you'll have to wait until the writer gets over being drunk.
Now this is 'little zoe' and she is telling you that she would like to have a word with you. If shes told you once she's told you a thousand times, quit taking picures of me, I know I'm beautiful...
"I'd like to have a workd with you" |
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