Thursday, June 5, 2014

You are so beautiful

Shangi la

Hiding in my private shangi la a little different in a Shanghai la but real never the less.  A vivid imagination is all that is required to visit and you can stay as long as you like and the best part of waking up is not a cup of Folgers in your cup but the price is free.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blogspot is no substitute for Facebook

The response to what you post on Facebook is almost instantaneous, whereas the response to an article on Blog-spot can be non-existent.  Also there is 'writer's block' to contend with on blogspot while facebook is filled with subjects to respond to and write about.  Your friends on FB contribute to the ideas from which to respond to and comment on.  You also are not responding to 150 other blogs as you would be to 150 friends.

But wait a minute... I can still see my FB page even if I cannot post on it.  I could still respond to my friends comments.

It's going to be a long summer.

Okay, so I can copy images, that's cool.  Can I tag people on blogspot, like Ken and Mary Cumpston. I guess not.,

Hey look, I copied Tim's dog.  Well, that saves a lot of trouble. 
Photo  Baby Christian squeezing grandma's cheeks.