Friday, August 13, 2010

Shrinking Heads/shrinking brains

Ok, I didn't know I was on to something yesterday when I started talking on facebook about my over extended ears when I was a child. My ears appear to be the size of a 65 yr. old. It has taken that amount of time for my head to catch up with my ears.

My supposition was that as we grow older our heads shrink therefore leaving less room for brains and subsequently our brains shrink too. I was next going to wonder aloud what portions of the brain, the outer layer parts are responsible for what things. For example, working backward, my brother has a significant memory for what took place in his childhood, he knows names, places and events. I have a fairly good recall of phone numbers and the people who possess them. So, what goes first phone numbers or events?

But what about body deterioration as a whole. Some say memory is the first thing to go but I disagree because often times we're wondering "where are my glasses" so which goes first, the eyes or the memory?

As you might want to consider, this drivel if you will, is an exercise. something OFTEN TOUTED FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE GETTING OLDER, STAY ACTIVE THEY SAY, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY AND SPIRITUALLY. It also helps to keep up your skills of typing, writing, and thinking about what to say. SO that is what this "shrinking heads article is all about, exercising, free flow writing if you will, it belongs to me, and I'll sort it all out later for any merit or purpose. Oh and as for the spelling and punctuation, consider it a grammatical sudoku where your challenge is to figure out what I'm saying.

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