Tuesday, December 29, 2015

When the obvious seems to be illusive.

                                                 Big sister Carmen with little sister Zoe

May i interject a little humor here? My friend was standing in the "10 or Less" aisle in Jewel behind a man who had a ton of items. He stood 6 ' 10" if he stood and inch.  He had a snarly snarky disposition to boot. My friend, was a grandmotherly, diminutive, elderly, former kindergarten teacher. She pointed out the sign with her eyes, in one of those furtive glances as to say "do you see the sign? The man, in behemoth fashion got all irate and he grimaced through his teeth "I can read".  My friend, politely  said, with just a hint of a smile said; the question is, can you count? LOL 

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