Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Case Against Legalized Marijuana

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NEW YORK (MainStreet) — The much ballyhooed marijuana legalization in Colorado and the evergreen state of Washington has excited the marijuana movement like nothing else. Enthusiasm about expanding legalization to other states gives the term "Rocky Mountain High" a whole new meaning.
Reports are that financiers are lining up to invest in marijuana dispensaries because of the big profits in selling weed. Could there be a Colorado and Washington Green Rush? Absolutely, to invoke Sonny Corleone in "The Godfather," there is a lot of money in that green stuff. But as Don Vito said, ".... drugs, that's a dirty business."
Legalization proponents scoff at this notion. They say marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Even President Barack Obama has suggested as such.
This is not true. Here are some facts that have not been prominently mentioned in the media.
Yes, marijuana legalization will be profitable. Vices always are. If profits are the sole criterion then crack, heroin, child prostitution, snuff films, etc. should all be legalized. After all, tobacco and alcohol are profitable. But these industries leave the public to clean the mess made from addiction and abuse of their products. So too it could be with marijuana. The costs will exceed the benefits.
Here are some reasons why.
"Studies indicate that usage will increase to levels near between those of tobacco and alcohol users," said David G. Evans, executive director of the Drug Free Schools Coalition. Evans is a former research scientist with the Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in the New Jersey Department of Health, and the user increase will cost society in various ways.

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