Monday, March 11, 2013

I've only been up 3 hours and this day is moving much to fast.  The two 'darlings when they're asleep' will be up soon and my peace and quiet will turn to chaotic and loud.  I'll add to this as the day progresses but I think its going to be my new mode of posting to facebook.  That way I won't annoy those who think I post to much.  I can type on here all day long and it will appear as one post to facebook and believe me you really have to be my friend to come back and read the rest.  That is just fine, I can amuse myself all by myself.
Forgot to bring the chocolate doughnuts from DD, "I promise I'll get them this afternoon."  I said. 

I see I have to tell you that this is Celine Dion singing "All By Myself"
Maybe it's just me, but Callie Bergeron sure has Celine's eyes, and Callie can sing too.

I have much to do but I so feel like procrastinating.

On This Day March 11, 1941 – World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act into law, allowing American-built war supplies to be shipped to the Allies on loan.

Did You Know: Lend-Lease was signed into law on March 11, 1941, a year and a half after the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939. This was nine months before the U.S. entered the war in December 1941.

A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $647 billion today) worth of supplies were shipped: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and smaller sums to other Allies. Reverse Lend-Lease comprised services such as rent on air bases that went to the U.S., and totaled $7.8 billion; of this, $6.8 billion came from the British and the Commonwealth.
...See More
On This Day March 11, 1941 – World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act into law, allowing American-built war supplies to be shipped to the Allies on loan.

Did You Know: Lend-Lease was signed into law on March 11, 1941, a year and a half after the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939. This was nine months before the U.S. entered the war in December 1941. 

A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $647 billion today) worth of supplies were shipped: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and smaller sums to other Allies. Reverse Lend-Lease comprised services such as rent on air bases that went to the U.S., and totaled $7.8 billion; of this, $6.8 billion came from the British and the Commonwealth. 

Remember Those Who Served
The Greatest Generations Foundation

On This Day March 11, 1945 – World War II: The Imperial Japanese Navy attempts a large-scale kamikaze attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet anchored at Ulithi atoll in Operation Tan No. 2.

Did You Know: Operation Tan No. 2 was a long-range Kamikaze mission directed at the main Allied naval fleet anchorage at Ulithi atoll in the western Pacific on March 11, 1945 during the Pacific campaign of World War II. The Japanese hoped to take the U.S. Pacific fleet by surprise and sink or damage a significant number of the fleet's aircraft carriers or other large ships.

Remember Those Who Served
The Greatest Generations Foundation
On This Day March 11, 1945 – World War II: The Imperial Japanese Navy attempts a large-scale kamikaze attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet anchored at Ulithi atoll in Operation Tan No. 2.

Did You Know: Operation Tan No. 2 was a long-range Kamikaze mission directed at the main Allied naval fleet anchorage at Ulithi atoll in the western Pacific on March 11, 1945 during the Pacific campaign of World War II. The Japanese hoped to take the U.S. Pacific fleet by surprise and sink or damage a significant number of the fleet's aircraft carriers or other large ships.

Remember Those Who Served
The Greatest Generations Foundation

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