Sunday, January 26, 2020

(8) Memories

(8) Memories: UnoddixiLLY, (See, this is why I am buying a new keyboard when we finally escape this frozen tundra.) That first word is suppose to be "Unofficially, I am working the midnight shift in the almost 3 AM hour. I have lost my total focus on what I was going to expound upon. It was not about politics, the weather or the Souper Bowl. Those things you can read in the paper or other websites. (And pay attention to the number of employees being laid off by journalistic mediums from Buzzfeed to Gannet), they're telling indeed.

Ever since the Cubs won the World Series and Hell froze over and pigs now fly I have been faced with the dilemma of "What's Next?" When all your life you have defended your allegiance to these hapless wonders and suffered the scorn from all the non-believers and YOUR DAY HAS COME. It's not enough, you want more but there is no more. Because you haven't wanted long enough through the pain and trials of that tauntingly mantra, "wait til next year." There is only 1 Chicago Cubs team, and only 1 Chicago Cubs fan base. Others teams may win excessively, and have you seen their empty stadiums, I have. But, we are a species unto ourselves. And now we have no 'shiny' object to search for. That is why all the palaver about newspaper headlines don't excite us. We need something to strive for that is not going to quench our thirst. But fear not. I already see in the inactivity of the front office, the giving away of our future talent, the signing of 'has beens' who are already members of AARP, that we will be back to our familiar mediocrity which we enjoyed for so long. We will return to seasons of yesteryear and relish our mantra once again. "Wait Til Next Year. The End

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