Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Give It Twice is a non-profit organization that helps eradicate child sex slavery/prostitution by donating their proceeds to organizations that seek to eliminate these horrific crimes against children. Come hear Justin Unger in concert - presented by Give It Twice, Phoenix AZ.

ShareThis Email PDF Print . .Mel & Reva Beard Founders of Give It Twice

"It is so easy to get caught up in your own world and to get comfortable even with good things." Give It Twice is a non-profit, online auction/store with proceeds going toward ministries working to eradicate child sex slavery/prostitution. Glendale, AZ (PRWEB) February 22, 2011

Give It Twice is a non-profit, online auction/store with proceeds going toward eradicating child sex slavery/prostitution by supporting ministries that seek to eliminate these horrific crimes against children.

The group’s vision is to expand its current ministry into a building that will allow them to conduct auctions on- and off-line; to host showings of Branded, a film about the horrors of sex trafficking; and provide a place where businessmen and -women can conduct networking in a relaxed atmosphere while supporting the cause. In addition, Give It Twice hopes to have a volunteer work area and be able to host social events that will bring awareness of the shocking crimes committed against our children by the sex trade industry.

“Child sex slavery has touched our lives, and we know the horror of it,” says Give It Twice founder Reva Beard. “If there is anything we can do to help children get out of this prison, we want to do it.”

Give It Twice was started as the result of difficult circumstances in Beard’s life. At one of the lowest points in that journey, she felt the Lord prompting her heart. “He spared my life on several occasions, and we felt an urgency to be giving our lives away to help others,” she says. Beard and her husband sensed the Lord calling them to do something more—and that the time to do it was short.

Jim Elliot, a missionary who was martyred in Ecuador, said, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

“We want to give up what we cannot keep, to gain what cannot be lost,” Beard says. “It is our desire that other businesses that feel strongly about our cause will support us by joining us with their talent, finances, products and, services.”

Give It Twice will host Justin Unger in concert on February 25, 2011 at Northwest Community Church, Phoenix AZ. Justin has graciously agreed to perform a benefit concert for “Give It Twice” whose cause is assisting “Streetlight” in eradicating child rape for profit. Justin’s willingness to perform a concert will make him a “Modern Day Abolitionist.” Please plan on joining us as Justin, Give It Twice, and Streetlight PHX come together in the fight to eradicate child rape for profit. For ticket information see Give It Twice website.

For more information about helping to eradicate child sex slavery, visit Give It Twice website or e-mail reva(at)giveitTwice(dot)com.


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