Wednesday, January 16, 2019

lower-back-exercises_403.jpg (920�1301)

lower-back-exercises_403.jpg (920�1301)  There is something strange about my being introduced to the McKenzie Therapy for the back at my age of 74.  I have never heard of it before.  Nobody has ever mentioned it before.  But stranger things have happened.  I heard about an All Star pitcher for the New York Yankees in the news yesterday, and I had never heard of him before.  I wonder if there are time periods where I have been taken into space by extraterrestrials and kept for a time, to be returned at a later date.  Yet, no one has ever suggested that I was absent for a time.  Collusion comes to mind. 

Anyway, Be that as it may, I best get to exercising.  How about you, you got any back discomfort, there is help for you.  I am not selling anything.  Check out the link and see where it will lead you. 

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