Is this Saturday?
There are a whole conflagration of things jumping off in the world right
now its hard to keep up. So let me start
with this:
According to Tony Robbins, Most people lose momentum or get
distracted when they don’t have a vision. “We all need a compelling future,
something that will get us up and excite us. If you don’t have that, life feels
very dead for high performers,” he said.
The Bible says it another way: Where there is no vision, the people
perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he. there. 1 Samuel 3:1 I was telling an acquaintance yesterday that
had you taken me 10 years ago and put me in a box and then just taken me out
yesterday. My life wouldn't even have
noticed. In other words I have done
nothing in the past 10 years beyond subsisting.
Well, there were the 7 1/2 years with Charlie and Zoe on the
weekends. 5 1/2 with Zoe. And after 7
1/2 years with Charlie, IT'S OVER. I
have not seen nor heard from their family in the past two weeks. That's hard but I have survived hard things
The eastern world it tis explodin',
Violence flarin', bullets loadin',
You're old enough to kill but not for votin',
You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin',
It has been 50 years, say that again 50 years and nothing
has changed. Make any statement
regarding the Middle East that suggests how this new current conflict in Yemen
is going to turn out and I will have to quickly doubt you know anything at all.
50 years and nothing has changed. I was reading an article this morning that
pointed out that America was at the forefront of starting all the current mess
and is actually supporting Iran on one front and fighting Iran on another. Can this get any more unreasonable.
The weather this morning was described as unseasonably
cool. 34° is two degrees above
freezing. Even in weather fore casting
the weather media tries to influence us with their vocabulary. It’s not enough to give us the facts they
want to determine how you are going to feel about the facts.
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