The Bat Cave is my writing room where I hide away from the world and come up with all this crazy nonsense that keeps me sane.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Feed Your Cold This Half Cent Make-at-Home Remedy
Feed Your Cold This Half Cent Make-at-Home Remedy
Dear Reader,
Sometimes, mom does indeed know best.
It turns out that at least one of those old wive’s tales that you’ve probably heard, and most likely dismissed, most of your life may in fact be true. (I guess that makes it an old wise tale, huh?)
I suffered with chronic strep throat as a kid. I spent half of every winter battling the strep bug and the other half fending off the common cold. My mother (who’d be less than pleased if I called her an “old wife”) always had me gargle with saltwater to ease the pain of my swollen tonsils or to ward off my sniffles. And although the saltwater tasted awful, I have to admit it always did the trick for me.
Now, with the weather taking a turn toward the cooler side and with the cold and flu season rapidly approaching, the popular old wive’s tale that says a gargle with good ole saltwater is good for what ails you will once again start circulating.
Surprisingly, it turns out that there is indeed some science to back up this home remedy.
According to one study that appeared in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, a saltwater gargle can do more than help fight symptoms once they appear; there’s some solid evidence that it can keep you healthier during the winter cold and flu season.
Scientists followed a group of almost 400 volunteers for 60 days during the peak of the cold and flu season. Some volunteers were instructed to gargle with saltwater three times a day. At the end of the study the gargling group had a stunning 40% drop in upper respiratory tract infections as compared to the group that did not gargle.
The researchers also found that those in the saltwater group who did get sick reported an improvement in their symptoms, such as a sore throat, when they gargled with the briny water.
So why does it work?
The salt helps to draw excess liquid out of the swollen throat tissues that are causing you pain. In addition the gargling action helps to loosen up and clear away mucous, which may be trapping in allergens and bacteria that are making your sick.
To put mom’s remedy to work for you, at the first sign of a scratchy throat or sniffle, dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of salt in about 8 ounces of warm water. Tilt your head back and gently gargle with a mouthful of the saltwater for about 15 seconds and then spit it into the sink. Repeat with the entire glass.
Believing that the old adage should have been “Starve a fever and feed saltwater to a cold,”
Alice Wessendorf
P.S. - The holidays are just around the corner and we thought we’d do something fun this year. Today we're launching the first annual Holiday Recipe Swap and we’d like you to share your favorite holiday recipes with us. Click here to learn more.
Dear Reader,
Sometimes, mom does indeed know best.
It turns out that at least one of those old wive’s tales that you’ve probably heard, and most likely dismissed, most of your life may in fact be true. (I guess that makes it an old wise tale, huh?)
I suffered with chronic strep throat as a kid. I spent half of every winter battling the strep bug and the other half fending off the common cold. My mother (who’d be less than pleased if I called her an “old wife”) always had me gargle with saltwater to ease the pain of my swollen tonsils or to ward off my sniffles. And although the saltwater tasted awful, I have to admit it always did the trick for me.
Now, with the weather taking a turn toward the cooler side and with the cold and flu season rapidly approaching, the popular old wive’s tale that says a gargle with good ole saltwater is good for what ails you will once again start circulating.
Surprisingly, it turns out that there is indeed some science to back up this home remedy.
According to one study that appeared in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, a saltwater gargle can do more than help fight symptoms once they appear; there’s some solid evidence that it can keep you healthier during the winter cold and flu season.
Scientists followed a group of almost 400 volunteers for 60 days during the peak of the cold and flu season. Some volunteers were instructed to gargle with saltwater three times a day. At the end of the study the gargling group had a stunning 40% drop in upper respiratory tract infections as compared to the group that did not gargle.
The researchers also found that those in the saltwater group who did get sick reported an improvement in their symptoms, such as a sore throat, when they gargled with the briny water.
So why does it work?
The salt helps to draw excess liquid out of the swollen throat tissues that are causing you pain. In addition the gargling action helps to loosen up and clear away mucous, which may be trapping in allergens and bacteria that are making your sick.
To put mom’s remedy to work for you, at the first sign of a scratchy throat or sniffle, dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of salt in about 8 ounces of warm water. Tilt your head back and gently gargle with a mouthful of the saltwater for about 15 seconds and then spit it into the sink. Repeat with the entire glass.
Believing that the old adage should have been “Starve a fever and feed saltwater to a cold,”
Alice Wessendorf
P.S. - The holidays are just around the corner and we thought we’d do something fun this year. Today we're launching the first annual Holiday Recipe Swap and we’d like you to share your favorite holiday recipes with us. Click here to learn more.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
SBI! - Case Studies
SBI! - Case Studies
The biggest mistake people make in life is not
making a living at doing what they most enjoy.
- Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990)
Site Build It! (SBI!) the only all-in-one site-building, site-hosting, and site-marketing product that makes it easy to build a professional, popular, and profitable business.
SBI! works for every type of small-small business ("SSB"). For example, are you thinking of starting a Net-based, work-from-home business? SBI! is perfect, even if you have no online business experience. Click SHOW to see how SBI! makes your business successful.
SBI! works for every type of small-small business ("SSB"). SBI! makes you successful, no matter what type of business you do. Let's take a look...
SSBs The "Small-Small Business" ("SSB")... we use this term to include any 1-to-10-person small business. It is not the same as the "SME" space, which one tends to generally think of as "larger small businesses and up."
SSBs include an infinite variety of niches (from antique watch repair to zoological gardening). Much like the universe itself, the "niche-space" is forever expanding, with the number and variety of services and products growing geometrically. And it is the SSBs, the real backbone of our economy, that create and fill those niches.
While there are an infinite number of possible niches, the SSB space can be divided into a dozen types of businesses. Does your business (or concept for a business) fit into one of the following types of business? If so, SBI! is perfect for you...
Now you can publish what you know and love... and monetize it. Together with a blend of affiliate programs and referral deals and finder's fees, Google Ads (through their AdSense program) anchor the generation of income that can amount to thousands of dollars per month. You can be a "pure infopreneur" and never sell a product or service... or you can build upon this foundation of information with a mix of other business types below. Your choice, depending on your skills, inclination, and time availability.
SOHOs & Work-From-Home
Run a real business from home, full- or part-time. For example, the stay-at-home spouse or retired person (or teenager!), even the "downsized" (opportunity in disguise) can all become thriving SOHOs. Or do you have a 9-5 that you despise and want to become a SOHO? Start SBI! -- you're one year or less away from "quitting the day job." Go from NOHO to SOHO and achieve independence. No "biz opp" here -- this is real.
Service Businesses
Offer a service related to your particular niche. Build a client base, whether clients are local (ex., organizing children's birthday parties) or global (ex., assessing value of antiquarian books). Or start a completely new service business -- what do you know or do that is of value to others?
E-goods Creators/Sellers
Are you a programmer (or hire one!) with an idea for a needed niche-filling software? Or perhaps you have an idea for an e-book related to your niche? Maybe you're a photographer with collections of e-photos (the e-photo sales market is booming!). Even digital sounds, lectures or courses. Anything can be digitized nowadays-- what can you digitize and sell?
Hard Goods Creators/Sellers
Are you a small business or an artisan that creates/manufactures/retails your own hard goods (i.e., products that you can actually touch and that you ship -- non-digital products)? Put up (copy-and-paste HTML) your own store and sell direct to your end-user. What could be more rewarding... in so many more ways than just financial?
Sales and Rental Agents/Reps/Distributors
It's your traffic -- sell or rent what you want, how you want. Do you represent great products, either for sale (from medical equipment to ice cream makers) and/or for rent (from apartments and villas to heavy equipment)? SBI! can boost your sales by millions, your commissions by tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars (literally).
Refer visitors to high-quality online merchants in return for a commission. It's risk-free, the recommendations provide an additional service for your visitors, and there's no downside. Add hundreds-to-thousands of dollars per month to your diversified monetization plan, without having a product of your own -- no warehousing, packaging, shipping, etc. And if you do sell a product of your own, simply choose merchants that complement your product line.
Another great "add-on" monetizer. This model is as classic as business itself... get paid a referrer or finder's fee by an offline business for finding a customer (or a "lead") for it... grow the concept into an alliance of self-referring, complementary businesses (offering both products and services). Your high volume Web site makes this a highly cost-effective income-generator.
Existing Online Businesses/E-commerce Sites
Already have an existing online business or e-commerce sites? Do you need an ongoing stream of free, targeted traffic... motivated, interested buyers? Use SBI! as a traffic-funnel, for a tiny fraction of the cost of your primary site.
Network Marketers/Multi-Level Marketers
Forget those spammy online lead-generators. Imagine if you could build your own unique site that attracted and PREsold warm leads to call YOU all day long? No more "you chasing them." A site that builds a mere 100 visitors per day (which is nothing for an SBI! site) is the equivalent of you making a daily presentation to 100 people offline! And your e-zine gives you an ongoing way to reach subscribers. That is exactly what you and SBI! can achieve together.
Net Auction Sellers
Put eBay to work for you, instead of vice-versa. Use them as a supplemental source of income to auction a product that relates to your theme. Especially useful for local businesses or vendors that sell hard goods, and even for service-sellers. And obviously, for those who want to start an online auction business. Regardless, the key here is that you own your business, not eBay, because you own your traffic.
Local Offline Businesses
If you own an offline business with local clientele, a Web site is a must. Use it to grow your business locally, build trust and deepen relationships with existing local customers, raise your local profile above that of competitors, stay top-of-mind through your e-zine, attract new clients, and, in many cases, to extend your market globally (yes, you!) Your world, your reach, your impact is now much, much bigger than a 4" x 2" Yellow Pages ad. Think of a Web site as a super-Yellow Pages ad... with 100 times the results... at 1/10 of the price.
And finally, there's a specialized kind of service business that is really catching on to SBI!...
Web Professionals
Your design work is sharp and creative. Your clients like your sites. But they ask... "So how do I get traffic?" It's time to convert your satisfied clients into raving fans, while simultaneously boosting productivity by 1000%. Webmasters who use SBI! (in conjunction with all their favorite tools and technologies like FrontPage or DreamWeaver, Flash, CSS, JS, etc.) do far more than build a site... they build business for their clients. Try SBI! for your next SSB client... once you see the results, the cost-effectiveness of all that SBI! delivers... you'll use it for every SSB client.
Does your situation match one of the above? If so, SBI! is for you. Now you can focus on doing business instead of fighting technology and mastering Search Engines. And that is all e-commerce really is... doing business online.
The people featured here receive no compensation of any kind from Their stories are true. They write and update their case studies as their way to share SBI! with you.
If you read all of these Case Studies, you will notice one common thread... They all simply did it. They have "BAM" ("Brain - Attitude - Motivation"), the key ingredient that you must add to SBI!.
"Brain" does not mean "brainy." It means they have, or developed, knowledge in a niche. "Attitude" means they are positive. And "motivation" means they want to build a business and take control of their lives enough to sacrifice leisure activities.
We point this out because we do not want to falsely raise your expectations. SBI! does not deliver "automatic success." Nothing can.
Your degree of success depends on your own level of "BAM," upon how much time you devote to building your business, and upon following the process correctly (every successful SBIer will tell you, "Follow the Action Guide").
SBI! does deliver what it promises... your best chance at e-business success. SBI! works... if you work it.
There are so many Web hosting companies chasing your business... from the "local expert" to the largest multi-national companies. There is a lot of noise out there, all promising the instant gratification of "getting your site up."
Choosing the future home of your business is not an easy decision. Once you do get started with Site Build It!, of course, you understand...
You see the results. Your business builds. You realize that your life is changing in significant ways.
And that is why so many SBI! users go on to start a second site (many have five or more!) after their first one is established... without hesitation.
But right now, there is a lot of noise clamoring for your attention. And, unlike the others, we don't promise "instant gratification." That's not realistic for those who want to build a real business.
We do, however, promise (actually, we guarantee) that the SBI! Process (Content Traffic PREsell Monetize) works. We back that up with certified proof of success. No other company in the world can match that.
Still, nothing gets a point across better than the personal, real-world experience of people just like you. The case studies here are detailed recountings of individual SBI! experiences, each in their own words, in their own styles.
As you review their stories, do more than read the words -- read between the lines. Feel the emotion they have for SBI!. It is the very rare product that creates the type of intensity you are about to experience.
With that in mind, let's proceed with the case studies, as told directly by small business people from around the globe -- people who "took a chance" and then realized...
Their worlds had changed.
Case Study Menu
Moms E-Goods Travel Hard Goods/E-Commerce Sales Agents Affiliates Service Businesses
Retirement Referrals Traffic Funnel Network Marketers Web Professionals Local Businesses Auction Sellers
The biggest mistake people make in life is not
making a living at doing what they most enjoy.
- Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990)
Site Build It! (SBI!) the only all-in-one site-building, site-hosting, and site-marketing product that makes it easy to build a professional, popular, and profitable business.
SBI! works for every type of small-small business ("SSB"). For example, are you thinking of starting a Net-based, work-from-home business? SBI! is perfect, even if you have no online business experience. Click SHOW to see how SBI! makes your business successful.
SBI! works for every type of small-small business ("SSB"). SBI! makes you successful, no matter what type of business you do. Let's take a look...
SSBs The "Small-Small Business" ("SSB")... we use this term to include any 1-to-10-person small business. It is not the same as the "SME" space, which one tends to generally think of as "larger small businesses and up."
SSBs include an infinite variety of niches (from antique watch repair to zoological gardening). Much like the universe itself, the "niche-space" is forever expanding, with the number and variety of services and products growing geometrically. And it is the SSBs, the real backbone of our economy, that create and fill those niches.
While there are an infinite number of possible niches, the SSB space can be divided into a dozen types of businesses. Does your business (or concept for a business) fit into one of the following types of business? If so, SBI! is perfect for you...
Now you can publish what you know and love... and monetize it. Together with a blend of affiliate programs and referral deals and finder's fees, Google Ads (through their AdSense program) anchor the generation of income that can amount to thousands of dollars per month. You can be a "pure infopreneur" and never sell a product or service... or you can build upon this foundation of information with a mix of other business types below. Your choice, depending on your skills, inclination, and time availability.
SOHOs & Work-From-Home
Run a real business from home, full- or part-time. For example, the stay-at-home spouse or retired person (or teenager!), even the "downsized" (opportunity in disguise) can all become thriving SOHOs. Or do you have a 9-5 that you despise and want to become a SOHO? Start SBI! -- you're one year or less away from "quitting the day job." Go from NOHO to SOHO and achieve independence. No "biz opp" here -- this is real.
Service Businesses
Offer a service related to your particular niche. Build a client base, whether clients are local (ex., organizing children's birthday parties) or global (ex., assessing value of antiquarian books). Or start a completely new service business -- what do you know or do that is of value to others?
E-goods Creators/Sellers
Are you a programmer (or hire one!) with an idea for a needed niche-filling software? Or perhaps you have an idea for an e-book related to your niche? Maybe you're a photographer with collections of e-photos (the e-photo sales market is booming!). Even digital sounds, lectures or courses. Anything can be digitized nowadays-- what can you digitize and sell?
Hard Goods Creators/Sellers
Are you a small business or an artisan that creates/manufactures/retails your own hard goods (i.e., products that you can actually touch and that you ship -- non-digital products)? Put up (copy-and-paste HTML) your own store and sell direct to your end-user. What could be more rewarding... in so many more ways than just financial?
Sales and Rental Agents/Reps/Distributors
It's your traffic -- sell or rent what you want, how you want. Do you represent great products, either for sale (from medical equipment to ice cream makers) and/or for rent (from apartments and villas to heavy equipment)? SBI! can boost your sales by millions, your commissions by tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars (literally).
Refer visitors to high-quality online merchants in return for a commission. It's risk-free, the recommendations provide an additional service for your visitors, and there's no downside. Add hundreds-to-thousands of dollars per month to your diversified monetization plan, without having a product of your own -- no warehousing, packaging, shipping, etc. And if you do sell a product of your own, simply choose merchants that complement your product line.
Another great "add-on" monetizer. This model is as classic as business itself... get paid a referrer or finder's fee by an offline business for finding a customer (or a "lead") for it... grow the concept into an alliance of self-referring, complementary businesses (offering both products and services). Your high volume Web site makes this a highly cost-effective income-generator.
Existing Online Businesses/E-commerce Sites
Already have an existing online business or e-commerce sites? Do you need an ongoing stream of free, targeted traffic... motivated, interested buyers? Use SBI! as a traffic-funnel, for a tiny fraction of the cost of your primary site.
Network Marketers/Multi-Level Marketers
Forget those spammy online lead-generators. Imagine if you could build your own unique site that attracted and PREsold warm leads to call YOU all day long? No more "you chasing them." A site that builds a mere 100 visitors per day (which is nothing for an SBI! site) is the equivalent of you making a daily presentation to 100 people offline! And your e-zine gives you an ongoing way to reach subscribers. That is exactly what you and SBI! can achieve together.
Net Auction Sellers
Put eBay to work for you, instead of vice-versa. Use them as a supplemental source of income to auction a product that relates to your theme. Especially useful for local businesses or vendors that sell hard goods, and even for service-sellers. And obviously, for those who want to start an online auction business. Regardless, the key here is that you own your business, not eBay, because you own your traffic.
Local Offline Businesses
If you own an offline business with local clientele, a Web site is a must. Use it to grow your business locally, build trust and deepen relationships with existing local customers, raise your local profile above that of competitors, stay top-of-mind through your e-zine, attract new clients, and, in many cases, to extend your market globally (yes, you!) Your world, your reach, your impact is now much, much bigger than a 4" x 2" Yellow Pages ad. Think of a Web site as a super-Yellow Pages ad... with 100 times the results... at 1/10 of the price.
And finally, there's a specialized kind of service business that is really catching on to SBI!...
Web Professionals
Your design work is sharp and creative. Your clients like your sites. But they ask... "So how do I get traffic?" It's time to convert your satisfied clients into raving fans, while simultaneously boosting productivity by 1000%. Webmasters who use SBI! (in conjunction with all their favorite tools and technologies like FrontPage or DreamWeaver, Flash, CSS, JS, etc.) do far more than build a site... they build business for their clients. Try SBI! for your next SSB client... once you see the results, the cost-effectiveness of all that SBI! delivers... you'll use it for every SSB client.
Does your situation match one of the above? If so, SBI! is for you. Now you can focus on doing business instead of fighting technology and mastering Search Engines. And that is all e-commerce really is... doing business online.
The people featured here receive no compensation of any kind from Their stories are true. They write and update their case studies as their way to share SBI! with you.
If you read all of these Case Studies, you will notice one common thread... They all simply did it. They have "BAM" ("Brain - Attitude - Motivation"), the key ingredient that you must add to SBI!.
"Brain" does not mean "brainy." It means they have, or developed, knowledge in a niche. "Attitude" means they are positive. And "motivation" means they want to build a business and take control of their lives enough to sacrifice leisure activities.
We point this out because we do not want to falsely raise your expectations. SBI! does not deliver "automatic success." Nothing can.
Your degree of success depends on your own level of "BAM," upon how much time you devote to building your business, and upon following the process correctly (every successful SBIer will tell you, "Follow the Action Guide").
SBI! does deliver what it promises... your best chance at e-business success. SBI! works... if you work it.
There are so many Web hosting companies chasing your business... from the "local expert" to the largest multi-national companies. There is a lot of noise out there, all promising the instant gratification of "getting your site up."
Choosing the future home of your business is not an easy decision. Once you do get started with Site Build It!, of course, you understand...
You see the results. Your business builds. You realize that your life is changing in significant ways.
And that is why so many SBI! users go on to start a second site (many have five or more!) after their first one is established... without hesitation.
But right now, there is a lot of noise clamoring for your attention. And, unlike the others, we don't promise "instant gratification." That's not realistic for those who want to build a real business.
We do, however, promise (actually, we guarantee) that the SBI! Process (Content Traffic PREsell Monetize) works. We back that up with certified proof of success. No other company in the world can match that.
Still, nothing gets a point across better than the personal, real-world experience of people just like you. The case studies here are detailed recountings of individual SBI! experiences, each in their own words, in their own styles.
As you review their stories, do more than read the words -- read between the lines. Feel the emotion they have for SBI!. It is the very rare product that creates the type of intensity you are about to experience.
With that in mind, let's proceed with the case studies, as told directly by small business people from around the globe -- people who "took a chance" and then realized...
Their worlds had changed.
Case Study Menu
Moms E-Goods Travel Hard Goods/E-Commerce Sales Agents Affiliates Service Businesses
Retirement Referrals Traffic Funnel Network Marketers Web Professionals Local Businesses Auction Sellers
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Associated Press: 72,000 stimulus payments went to dead people
The Associated Press: 72,000 stimulus payments went to dead people
WASHINGTON — More than 89,000 stimulus payments of $250 each went to people who were either dead or in prison, a government investigator says in a new report.
The payments, which were part of last year's massive economic recovery package, were meant to increase consumer spending to help stimulate the economy.
But about $18 million went to nearly 72,000 people who were dead, according to the report by the Social Security Administration's inspector general. The report estimates that a little more than half of those payments were returned.
An additional $4.3 million went to more than 17,000 prison inmates, the report said. Most of the inmates, it turns out, were eligible to get the payments because they were newly incarcerated and had been receiving Social Security before they were locked up.
In all, the $250 payments were sent to about 52 million people who receive either Social Security or Supplemental Security Income, at a cost of about $13 billion. Other federal retirees also received the payments, but they were not part of the inspector general's review.
The inspector general for the Social Security Administration has been performing an audit to make sure no checks went to ineligible recipients. The latest report was dated Sept. 24 but was just recently posted to the agency's website.
People were eligible for payments if they were getting benefits during any one of the three months before the law was passed in February 2009.
Dead people were ineligible to get the payments. But, the report said, there is no provision in the law to recover payments incorrectly sent to dead people.
"Based on the failure of the SSA to properly check its records, and Congress' failure to fully think through the provisions needed to govern these payments, SSA lost $22.3 million in American tax dollars," said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. "These findings are yet another example of congressional stupidity and a lack of accountability."
The Social Security Administration said that despite tight deadlines, workers accurately processed more than 99.8 percent of the 52 million stimulus payments.
"We worked with Treasury, developed new processes, and began issuing (payments) about 30 days earlier than the legislatively mandated deadline," the agency said in a written response included in the inspector general's report. "This was a major accomplishment for our agency."
The inspector general's report said that if similar payments are authorized in the future, prison inmates should be ineligible and the government should be able to recover payments made to dead people.
The Social Security Administration agreed with the recommendations.
Inspector general report:
WASHINGTON — More than 89,000 stimulus payments of $250 each went to people who were either dead or in prison, a government investigator says in a new report.
The payments, which were part of last year's massive economic recovery package, were meant to increase consumer spending to help stimulate the economy.
But about $18 million went to nearly 72,000 people who were dead, according to the report by the Social Security Administration's inspector general. The report estimates that a little more than half of those payments were returned.
An additional $4.3 million went to more than 17,000 prison inmates, the report said. Most of the inmates, it turns out, were eligible to get the payments because they were newly incarcerated and had been receiving Social Security before they were locked up.
In all, the $250 payments were sent to about 52 million people who receive either Social Security or Supplemental Security Income, at a cost of about $13 billion. Other federal retirees also received the payments, but they were not part of the inspector general's review.
The inspector general for the Social Security Administration has been performing an audit to make sure no checks went to ineligible recipients. The latest report was dated Sept. 24 but was just recently posted to the agency's website.
People were eligible for payments if they were getting benefits during any one of the three months before the law was passed in February 2009.
Dead people were ineligible to get the payments. But, the report said, there is no provision in the law to recover payments incorrectly sent to dead people.
"Based on the failure of the SSA to properly check its records, and Congress' failure to fully think through the provisions needed to govern these payments, SSA lost $22.3 million in American tax dollars," said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. "These findings are yet another example of congressional stupidity and a lack of accountability."
The Social Security Administration said that despite tight deadlines, workers accurately processed more than 99.8 percent of the 52 million stimulus payments.
"We worked with Treasury, developed new processes, and began issuing (payments) about 30 days earlier than the legislatively mandated deadline," the agency said in a written response included in the inspector general's report. "This was a major accomplishment for our agency."
The inspector general's report said that if similar payments are authorized in the future, prison inmates should be ineligible and the government should be able to recover payments made to dead people.
The Social Security Administration agreed with the recommendations.
Inspector general report:
Shrek Forever After Coming to DVD Soon
Shrek Forever After Coming to DVD Soon
Ogre fans hold tight -- on December 6th they can bring Donkey, Shrek and Puss to their very own living rooms with the Shrek Forever After DVD.
ShareThis Email PDF Print .(PRWEB) October 7, 2010
Ogre fans hold tight –- On December 6th, Shrek lovers nationwide can bring Donkey, Puss and Fiona to their very own living rooms. Relive their latest incredible adventure with Shrek Forever After on DVD, the final chapter of the award winning series, which has captured hearts for almost a decade with its stunning graphics, intelligent fantasy and big, big laughs.
This episode features Shrek as a domesticated husband and father of three who spends his days changing nappies and signing the odd pitch fork. Feeling shattered and stressed by the challenges of parenting, he starts to dream nostalgically about the scary ogre that he once was. Finally, it is a tantrum at a children’s party which tips him over the edge. In a state of despair, longing for the feisty antics of his youth, he unexpectedly crosses paths with the smooth talking, deal spinning Rumplestiltskin, who signs him up for much more than he bargained for.
As Shrek’s world gets turned upside down in a twisted version of Far Far Away, he re-discovers Donkey, Puss and Fiona as they have never been known before! With 24 hours to save his land, his life and his marriage, Shrek embarks on a moving and fun-filled journey which leaves the audience buzzing with that feel-good fairytale magic. Concocted by the creative minds at DreamWorks, Shrek Forever After has been hailed by critics as the best Shrek DVD yet.
Featuring a star-studded cast from both sides of the Atlantic, this film sees Mike Myers (Shrek), Eddie Murphy (Donkey), Cameron Diaz (Princess Fiona), Julie Andrews (Queen Lilian) and John Cleese ( King Harold) re-united in an explosive cocktail of energy and talent.
Combining the razor sharp humour and multilayered storyline of the earlier films with a poignant lesson on learning to treasure what you have got, Shrek 4 on DVD definitely lives up to its promise. A gem of a film for the whole family to enjoy.
Tesco Entertainment is the online portal for Tesco’s extensive range of DVDs, music and computer games. As well as free delivery on Home Entertainment Products, it offers a competitive PreOrder deal for serious fans. With great prices on downloads, games and DVDs as well as a fantastic customer support team, Tesco Entertainment Online is a brilliant portal for customers to find exactly what they are looking for.
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Ogre fans hold tight -- on December 6th they can bring Donkey, Shrek and Puss to their very own living rooms with the Shrek Forever After DVD.
ShareThis Email PDF Print .(PRWEB) October 7, 2010
Ogre fans hold tight –- On December 6th, Shrek lovers nationwide can bring Donkey, Puss and Fiona to their very own living rooms. Relive their latest incredible adventure with Shrek Forever After on DVD, the final chapter of the award winning series, which has captured hearts for almost a decade with its stunning graphics, intelligent fantasy and big, big laughs.
This episode features Shrek as a domesticated husband and father of three who spends his days changing nappies and signing the odd pitch fork. Feeling shattered and stressed by the challenges of parenting, he starts to dream nostalgically about the scary ogre that he once was. Finally, it is a tantrum at a children’s party which tips him over the edge. In a state of despair, longing for the feisty antics of his youth, he unexpectedly crosses paths with the smooth talking, deal spinning Rumplestiltskin, who signs him up for much more than he bargained for.
As Shrek’s world gets turned upside down in a twisted version of Far Far Away, he re-discovers Donkey, Puss and Fiona as they have never been known before! With 24 hours to save his land, his life and his marriage, Shrek embarks on a moving and fun-filled journey which leaves the audience buzzing with that feel-good fairytale magic. Concocted by the creative minds at DreamWorks, Shrek Forever After has been hailed by critics as the best Shrek DVD yet.
Featuring a star-studded cast from both sides of the Atlantic, this film sees Mike Myers (Shrek), Eddie Murphy (Donkey), Cameron Diaz (Princess Fiona), Julie Andrews (Queen Lilian) and John Cleese ( King Harold) re-united in an explosive cocktail of energy and talent.
Combining the razor sharp humour and multilayered storyline of the earlier films with a poignant lesson on learning to treasure what you have got, Shrek 4 on DVD definitely lives up to its promise. A gem of a film for the whole family to enjoy.
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New iPhone App Lets You Beat up the People Who Cause Stress
New iPhone App Lets You Beat up the People Who Cause Stress
Application Creator Abhijeet Wable announces a new iPhone/iPod touch application called Stress Fighter. Simply take a picture of the person who is giving you stress or grab a photo from your library, and put their head on one of eight pre-rendered 3D bodies.
You can then beat up the person that is causing you stress. Fighting him/her with 12 special weapons like a baseball bat, golf club and even a stapler. You can also take a photo and use it as a background for fighting.
Stress Fighter developer, Abhijeet Wable, said, "I created Stress Fighter to let people beat up their boss or anyone they don't like without jeopardizing their job. It's all for fun and just for a buck." Abhijeet Wable is a creator of applications for the iPhone and other smart phones.
Stress Fighter is currently available on the iTunes App store world wide for $0.99 US. It is coming to other smartphones soon.
Contact: Abhijeet Wable
Application Creator Abhijeet Wable announces a new iPhone/iPod touch application called Stress Fighter. Simply take a picture of the person who is giving you stress or grab a photo from your library, and put their head on one of eight pre-rendered 3D bodies.
You can then beat up the person that is causing you stress. Fighting him/her with 12 special weapons like a baseball bat, golf club and even a stapler. You can also take a photo and use it as a background for fighting.
Stress Fighter developer, Abhijeet Wable, said, "I created Stress Fighter to let people beat up their boss or anyone they don't like without jeopardizing their job. It's all for fun and just for a buck." Abhijeet Wable is a creator of applications for the iPhone and other smart phones.
Stress Fighter is currently available on the iTunes App store world wide for $0.99 US. It is coming to other smartphones soon.
Contact: Abhijeet Wable
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Once Upon A Time
I'll leave you with a bit of history about Sara few know. At the age of 3 months she was smuggled into prison on Christmas Eve. No one knew she was there until the last Silent Night was being sung and the cry of a baby was heard. Unintended, Sara became 'baby Jesus' to a group of prisoners who slept a little more peaceful that night for Sara's cry. She brought peace and joy that night to prisoners much like Jesus brought Peace and Joy to shepherds. Still today, like Jesus, Sara still brings peace and joy to the world.
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